Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nourishment: Necessities for existence, maintenance, and vitality.

Nu·tri·tion [noo-trish-uhn, nyoo-] -- noun
1. the act or process of nourishing or of being nourished.
2. the process by which organisms take in and utilize food material.

1. Food: nutriment, nourishment, grubbery, goodies, bites, comestibles, provisions, viands, chow, fare, feed, entrée, slop.
2. Sustenance: necessities for existence, comestible, livelihood, maintenance, nourishment, provision, subsistence, wherewithall.
3. Nutriment: nourishment, maintenance, support, aliment, pabulum, provender, viands, victuals, vittles.

Origin: 1551 (nutritive is recorded from c.1400), from L. nutritionem (nom. nutritio) "a nourishing," from nutritre "nourish, suckle." Nutritious is first attested 1665, from L. nutricius "that which nourishes, nurses," from nutrix (gen. nutricis) "a nurse," from nutrire. First record of nutritionist is from 1926.

Nutrition has been an important consideration for me as I continue with my training for the marathon portion of my involvement with Team in Training - on June 18th, I will be completing a full marathon (that is 26.2 miles, people!) in Anchorage, Alaska. I am also recovering from a herniated disc in my cervical spine (a painful neck injury), and proper nutrition can only help me on my way to a speedy recovery. Because of these considerations, my relationship with food has changed significantly.

Food has played many roles in the many scenes of my life: alternating between comforting, nourishing, and toxic (sometimes all three at the same time!). But my treatment of food has always been unbalanced, unfocused, and undirected. I never took the time to analyze the fuel I was injecting into my body - food that was directly proportional to the nutrition that my body would (or would not) be able to extract. It was not until I took 30 days to "clean" up my nutritional input, so that I could properly account and evaluate the effects of nutrition on my daily performance. And those 30 days were HARD - to be perfectly colloquial, they SUCKED. For 30 days, I ate healthy veggies, fruit and meat (because to be healthy, we have to consume healthy foods) and some nuts - trying to align my nutritive choices with optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. I have to admit, the trained physiologist in me really geeked out on this stuff! And while my soft body and my primitive mind thought it "SUCKED," my body-in-training and rational mind found something completely different. I realized the possibility of altering my output by directly altering my input.

I am still learning, a meer "seedling" when it comes to understanding and implementing the science of positive, clean eating - but I do know that I feel different. The fog has been lifted, and just in time! My recovery and training insist upon better fuel for better healing and performance. To push myself the extra mile, to ensure that my body is strong and healthy; I need to take care of the building blocks for those activites: my muscles, joints, bones, blood, and brain. And the building blocks for those building blocks: the nutritients that I absorb from my food and integrate into my own chemistry - like a mama-bird building her nest.

I really contend with the current connotation of the word diet, which usually implies some temporary change in what you can/cannot consume to lose weight. I prefer the primary (the first listed) definition "food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health." So... With this new diet, I have become conscious of what I am and am not putting into by body as fuel for my daily activity. I have also considered adjustments for my healing. And further adjustments for my fueled endurance activities. Most runners rely on quick (and portable) energy in the form of bars, gels and supplements. But these, largely artificial, sources of energy are out of the equation for me. So where do I turn for good quality, naturally composed, and "healthy" quick and portable energy? I make it myself, of course!

I spent some time researching good energy sources, what I might need to consume pre- & post-workout, and delicio-sity. I came up with a chocolaty nugget - a tasty little treat. I originally produce these treats with the intention of nourishing my body as I powered through my workouts, and then through my intense stretching sessions with my physical therapist; I stockpiled these nom-noms in my fridge. My official taste tester suggested I share them with others who were trying clean eating, or were skeptical that clean eating could be tasty. So I shared them. And then, why not share them with my teammates also in training? At this point, it was suggested that I use sell these nuggets - an idea I was not particularly comfortable with, because I would rather cook a meal and share it than be the chef preparing/distributing a meal (perhaps a phobia from my years in food service). Buuuuut... "How about as a fundraiser?"

Today, I am proud to introduce Mighty Bites!, which are mighty simple & mighty delicious all-natural Energy Bites. These Bites! are made from natural ingredients, mostly dried fruit and nuts. They are low-glycemic, gluten-free, soy-free, lactose-free, vegan and raw. Our original flavor, which we have dubbed "Loco Cocoa" is made of (and only of) date, fig, coconut, walnut, cocoa powder, natural vanilla, and honey. We are currently developing our "24-Carrot Golden Delicious" Bites!. Our Bites! are still made in my kitchen, packaged in recyclable glass jars, and distributed by Mighty Bites! friends and fans, fondly known as our Troopers from Mighty Bites! Troop 17. Our Troopers bring these delectable healthy treats directly to you - or will meet you half way! - with samples and pre-packaged orders. If you would like to try the Bites! or just hang out with a Trooper, drop them a line.

We are recruiting! Members of Troop 17 receive a free Baker's dozen of their choice of Mighty Bites! for every $75 raised - that is a $15 value! That means, if you purchase $75-worth of Mighty Bites!, you automatically qualify to be a Trooper. If you are interested in joining Troop 17, please contact Jessica.

Stay healthy, my friends! If you don't have a handle on your health, then you don't have a handle on your life. Take the reins, be your own master, [insert a slew of other inspirational-clichés here] ... If you want to chat me up about my foray into the nutritional wilderness, I would be happy to talk with you - leave me a message on my facebook, twitter, etc.

stay tuned! stay healthy! rawr!

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